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The History of Cement Tiles

Cement tiles have a rich and fascinating history that spans centuries and continents. At Original Mission Tile, we take pride in continuing this tradition of craftsmanship and artistry. Discover the origins and evolution of cement tiles and how they have become a beloved choice for designers and homeowners around the world.


Manufacturing Video


Installation Video


Installation Guide (.PDF)

Origins of Cement Tiles

Early Beginnings

The story of cement tiles begins in Europe in the mid-19th century. The first known production of these tiles dates back to the 1850s in Catalonia, Spain. These early tiles were known for their intricate patterns and vibrant colors, which were achieved using natural pigments.

Spread Across Europe

Cement tiles quickly gained popularity across Europe, particularly in France, where they became known as “encaustic cement tiles.” By the late 19th century, they were being used extensively in public buildings, homes, and palaces. The versatility and durability of these tiles made them an ideal choice for both decorative and practical applications.

Arrival in the Americas

Introduction to the Americas

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, cement tiles made their way to the Americas. They were particularly popular in Latin America and the Caribbean, where they were used in the grand haciendas and public buildings of the time. The tiles’ ability to withstand heat and humidity made them a perfect fit for these regions.

Adoption in the United States

Cement tiles were introduced to the United States in the early 20th century. They became a popular choice for flooring and wall applications in various styles of architecture, including Spanish Revival, Mission, and Art Deco. Their unique patterns and colors added a touch of elegance and sophistication to American homes and buildings.

Evolution of Cement Tiles

Technological Advances

Over the years, the manufacturing process of cement tiles has evolved, incorporating modern technologies and materials while preserving traditional techniques. Today, hydraulic presses and improved pigments ensure that cement tiles are more durable and vibrant than ever before.

Revival and Modern Usage

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in cement tiles. Designers and homeowners appreciate their artisanal quality and the ability to create custom patterns and colors. Cement tiles are now used in a wide range of applications, from residential homes to commercial spaces, adding a unique and timeless appeal to any project.

Our Commitment to Tradition

At Original Mission Tile, we honor the rich history of cement tiles by continuing to produce them using traditional methods. Each tile is handcrafted by skilled artisans in Mexico, ensuring that every piece is unique and of the highest quality. We are proud to carry on this legacy of craftsmanship and provide our customers with beautiful, durable tiles that stand the test of time.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the history of cement tiles, please contact us. Our team is here to provide detailed information and assist you with your project needs.

Discover the rich history of cement tiles and how they have evolved over the centuries. For more information or to explore our range of handmade cement tiles, visit Original Mission Tile today.