I’ve noticed a lot of pantries and baths recently openly applying patterned tile on floor and walls. These tiles are mostly examples of Moroccan cement tile, both contemporary and classic, and when mixed with modern touch of handmade cement tile it can result in an entirely show stopping look.
Tiles are everyone’s first choice when it comes to designing your space; I guess it’s a risk worth taking central space like a kitchen or living room. Tiles are easy to clean and are easily available in many sizes and shapes. Original mission tiles offer several collections of tiles, and you can customize your tiles as well.
Cement tiles are unique in itself because durable, and resilient, and they are hand made and manually crafted using cement, mineral pigments, a frame, and hydraulic press. The metal pattern is also handmade matching the particular design. The color arrangement is a mixture of high-quality white Portland cement, marble powder, fine sand, and natural mineral colors. Cement tiles being handmade are foreseen to have slight flaws, which give them character and depth.
Here at original mission tile, you can choose from different designs and sizes that suit your need. There are various types of a collection like Moroccan, Classic, Contemporary and much more. You can create your exclusive color palette or mix & match with random patchwork to give your space fresh and vibrant look.
Cement, unlike porcelain it’s less slippery when wet. And, because the designs are created by emitting the colors into the mold, rather than just painting them on top, cleaning the tile won’t wash away the design. That’s why eateries love our cement tile collection.
Let’s take a look at some of the cement tile collection.