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Cement tiles have ruled the flooring and tile industry for literally centuries. They’re a great choice for your home because they’re the most versatile tile material that’s extremely customizable. They stand up to an amazing amount of wear and tear over the years and are an affordable option given how great they look and perform. With proper maintenance, you’ll enjoy the beautiful design cement tiles bring to your kitchen, bathroom, patio and other areas around the house. Here are some of the top ways cement tiles are the perfect upgrade for your home.

Cement Tiles Come in a Wide Variety of Designs

Cement isn’t limited by natural veining or shading like some other materials. Natural stone tiles, for instance, come out of the ground a certain way. There’s only so much you can do to alter their appearance. With cement, however, manufacturers use paint to give tiles unique designs. There are thousands of choices to match any house’s color scheme or design look. With custom tilemakers, you can even come up with your own tile designs. Your kitchen floor can be truly one of a kind.

Whether you’re looking for a lovely mosaic inspired by another part of the world or some art piece you saw in a magazine, top cement tile manufacturers can make your dream a reality. Cement tiles come in thousands of colors, so there’s an abundance of choice. You can mix and match your kitchen and bathroom tiles with different moods so you and your guests can relax or become energized when they’re in the room.

Cement Tiles Are Easy to Install and Last for Years

Tiles are so popular that contractors and professional tile installers can get them in and look great in no time. There are even a ton of online resources available if you want to give installing your own tiles a try. If you’re so inclined, make sure you buy more tiles than you think you need so you have some room for error. You don’t want to make mistakes and then be left without enough tiles to finish the job.

Once they’re in, cement tiles are very resilient. They work very well in areas with high foot traffic and heavy furniture on them. Cement tiles are also great because they’re very scratch and stain-resistant. They take a beating and look fantastic while they’re doing it.

Easy to Maintain and Clean

One of the best ways cement tiles help upgrade a home’s décor is that they’re easy to clean and take care of. Everyone who’s cleaned a kitchen knows how hard upkeep is. There’s food debris, dirt from shoes and sticky goo from who knows what. It’s hard to get to grime in the small corners of bathrooms and kitchens. That’s why cement tiles are so preferred. Cement tiles have smooth surfaces that are easy to wash. They resistant gunk so stuff doesn’t stick to them easily.

Cement’s a popular option because they don’t need regular upkeep like wood or natural stone. Other materials need frequent polishing and regular sealing to stay in good shape. With cement, all you need is mopping with soap and water to keep things looking terrific. You do need to monitor for cracks and weakness in the grout, but in general, it’s a low maintenance flooring material that you’ll love!

Cement Tiles are the Eco-Friendly Choice

When you select material for a home project, you want to know that you’re buying responsibly. Perhaps more than ever, homeowners want to know what they’re buying is coming from an environmentally friendly place.

Cement is often crushed and made from recycled materials that otherwise would have gone to waste. The manufacturing process also uses pressure to stamp the tiles instead of energy-sucking heat. You can rest easy knowing your purchase has had minimal impact on the environment.

They Help with Insulation

Owning a home is expensive. People do what they can to keep utilities and maintenance costs down. Cement is an energy-friendly option for people concerned about keeping their bills as low as possible. Cement tiles work to help insulate houses because they have a high thermal mass. They hold temperatures well whether they be cool or hot. You’ll get more out of your HVAC system with cement tiles.

Property Owners Love Cement Tiles

The affordability matched with how easy they are to design and customize have made cement the most popular tile choice for over one hundred years. The only limit on how beautiful your tile floors can be, is the lengths your imagination will go to think something unique and stylish up. They are a great upgrade to any home or office space.  They’re easy to install and keep their shine so you won’t be stressed out about keeping your investment in top form.